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Kunstgalleri i Oslo | Røa | Cecilie Mossige, Mossige ArtSpace
Based on fashion ads and editorials, the isolated figures in this series look vaguely familiar.
Yet, these models have their inner world coming out in the open. Soon, everything will change.
Hand/ Bag
Pencil and watercolour on paper. 21 x 29 cm, 2012
Meat Cloud
Pencil and watercolour on paper. 21 x 29 cm, 2012
Pencil and watercolour on paper. 21 x 29 cm, 2012
Pencil and watercolour on paper. 21 x 29 cm, 2012
Pencil and watercolour on paper. 21 x 29 cm, 2012
Belt/ Beard
Pencil and watercolour on paper. 21 x 29 cm, 2012
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