Kunstgalleri i Oslo | Røa | Cecilie Mossige, Mossige ArtSpace
The 'Infinity Loop' series
These works are actually works about work.
By using professional cleaning tools as brushes, the paintings accumulate a large number of paint layers. They document the traces of the cleaning lady, the repetetive movements that in reality is the opposite of painting - as cleaning is removing other peoples traces.
For hundreds of millions of people - most of them women - this kind of work is their destiny. They have no choice but to wash floors every day of their life. This is my tribute to the invisible workers and the unnoticed housewifes of the world.
The project title derives from the actual washing process - when washing with the round mop correctly, one should make a contiunos row of loops resembling a tilted number 8; the infinity sign.
Dimensions vary from 80 x 80 cms to 180 x 200 cms.
Available for sale: Price is 1 NOK/ cm2, minus 16% - the scientifically proven wage gap between women and men in Norwegian art.
81 x 100 cm, akryl på lerret
100 x 81 cm, akryl på lerret.
100 x 81 cm, akryl på lerret
100 x 81 cm, akryl på lerret
Acrylic, glue, glitter, dust, floor debris on canvas. 2010
Acrylic, glue, glitter, dust, floor debris on canvas. 2011 80x80 cm x 2
Acrylic, glue, glitter, dust, floor debris on canvas. 2010 80x80 cm x 2
Acrylic, glue, glitter, dust, floor debris on canvas. 2010